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Mansour El Habre
Born in Lebanon in 1970, Mansour El Habre holds a Diploma in Plastic Arts from the Lebanese University and a
Masters in Plastic Arts from the Balamand University. He teaches Painting and Drawing at the Lebanese Academy
of Fine Arts (ALBA).
Since 1993, El Habre has participated in individual and group exhibitions in his hometown, Geneva,
London, Greece, Canada, Paris, Washington, Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. He has also been
invited by the Lebanese Ministry of Culture to participate in the International Triennial of Engraving
in Rodeos, Greece in 2008.
His work can be found in private and public collections including in the Audi Bank in Beirut, the
Solidere Headquarters in Beirut and the Cité Social de Fameck, France.

Works on Paper 2016–2023
Beau Négatif by Mansour El Habre
56th Youssef Hayeck Str, Gemmayzeh      Beirut, Lebanon      Tel: +961 1 570 331   +961 70 570 333      [email protected]       Credits      
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